About me
I am an artist by feeling, before being one by education.
As a child, I was spending almost all my spare time drawing, observing the nature, sketching.
I could have graduated the Fine Arts University back in my early years, but at the time one should graduate a faculty for a living. More, I wanted to become somebody to help the others, so, encouraged by my father’s profession and charisma, I graduated the Medicine University and built my career as a medical specialist.
But the time flies and the first love for art, for shapes and colours was still there, so I decided to feed this hunger for beauty. I also realized that the people need also to heal their souls, not only their bodies, and people love to see beautiful things, this makes them smile, fly, hope and cure.
So in the adulthood I started to create different small art objects for charitable events, and finally decided to take the big step to paint canvas. The private lessons I took, the time spent in the studio being guided and observing, were helpful to guide my native abilities and helped me to craft my style.
I think there is no other better source of inspiration but the nature itself, and I do my best to use my talents in capturing the beauty, light and colour that exists around us: in landscapes, flowers, people’s faces, smiles, simple acts.
I like to experience many techniques, according to the theme and the mood, but most of my works are oil on canvas- it think its propriety gives me the opportunity to play with the light, dark and nuances on wet paint until the shape becomes real, becomes 3-D, almost inviting to touch it.
I am happy each time I finish a new painting, I enjoy watching it and people admiring it, by my biggest joy and motivation came from people or kids who are inspired by my example, and they decide to try to develop their hidden talents to enjoy life more.
I strongly believe that we owe to multiply the talents we received as a gift, and to give back to the world the best of us.